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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Launch/Remembering IGNACIO

One year ago this morning I frantically packed IGNACIO into his cat carrier for what would be his last trip to the vet.  He had been presenting symptoms of his urinary tract infection since NOV 4 and had been to the vet a couple times in the interim.  On NOV 4, the one year anniversary of the date the I adopted him (he came to me on Election Day in 2008), he started to cry out in pain.  I remember hearing him cry from the other side of my apartment.  He was in the bathtub, the place where I had nurtured him when I first brought him into my home.  I thought he was calling me to play with him, but it turned out that he was crying out in pain.  

That morning one year ago today (it was a Saturday) he started crying out in pain like I had never heard before.  I remember watching him run from place to place looking for a smooth surface to pee on.  I was chasing him around trying to get him to use the litter box.  He started licking at his genitals and then I saw and heard him hiss at the part of his body that was causing him what must have been extreme pain.  He started crying out in pain in a manner that I had never heard before.

That trip to the vet turned out to be his last.  I consulted with the vet and came to the conclusion that I/Ignacio could not take anymore.  I sobbed as I held him for what would be some of the last minutes of his life.  I couldn't bear to watch the procedure that would take his life.  I sob as write this.

Today is a day about honoring his memory.  He lives on through my memories of him and now he lives on through this blog.  For all the great things that you have inspired my to do in the past year baby boy, I salute you.

The name IGNACIO has its basis in Latin.  Think IGNATIUS.  The root is found in the english word IGNITION.  Boy, did  you light my fire.


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